Funny humor stories

Hy friend, I here want to share stories, humor friends .. certainly funny deh guaranteed, immediately wrote read below ..!

Mr. headman has a hobby maintain various kinds of birds . One morning , the bird lost all because stolen . Feeling the act of the thief has gone too far then pack headman plan to bring this issue at a community meeting .

Approximately 200 people attended .
After a long talk about morality , the pack headman asks " who's got the bird ? " all men who Hidir soon stand .
Realizing his mistake in asking the headman pack hastily said , " that's not what I mean ? Mean I was , who's never seen a bird ?
All citizens of the women in attendance standing . " wah serious thought sir .. headman " .
With angry face he said , I mean who's ever seen a bird is not his ? half of the women in attendance standing . Face pack headman getting angry , and also increasingly nervous , he said, " sorry once again , not that way my question , I mean who's ever seen my bird ? ?
Immediately 5 women standing , sir headman ran helter - skelter look bu headman ran with a broom stick .

An elderly woman driving a ferrari branded, stop
because red light.
after the green light is on the granny
tetep not want the road, and due to his super jam occurs along the 3 km.
a pmobil olisi akirnya come and
there was a conversation between
Police: Grandma, had a green light, please
segeera your way.
grandmother: huh Myspace poolisi pack ...
Police: but grandma, grandma has caused congestion as far as 3 km, Grandma
grandmother: ntar police officer ...
Police: if not grandmother drove away,
My grandmother ticketed it!!!!
grandmother: the police officer gi where the hell ya!!! ,
I waited for the light it again my favorite, so loooh pink ...... * grinning *
Police: * skip back salto 1000
times, while climbing Monas then says "
Shoot, Shoot "

A few of my friends may terhibura yes.!! Thank you ..!

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